IMPORTANT: The information provided below is not to be considered a solicitation of any kind nor is it an indication that this program is available at this time. The following information is provided solely to give our readers an illustration of the type of financial programs SRM SERVICES LTD has investigated in the recent past and which we are prepared to discuss in greater detail with interested parties who establish a business relationship with us.
S A M P L E P R O G R A M I L L U S T R A T I O N - 3725
Hard Asset Trade Program – 500M+
Gemstones * Precious Metals/Stones * Art/Antiquities * Real Estate * Wires & Isotopes
Banker access to monetization of valuable assets ... followed by a large cap trade.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Hard Asset Monetization and Trade Program is offered through SRM Services by a transaction partner with impeccable credibility in the large cap trade finance world. Recently, SRM witnessed very prompt on-boarding of an asset owner by the platform, including initial compliance and conference call, contract offer and execution, initial advance payment, and platform application for insurance wrap. SRM believes this program deserves careful and prompt consideration by owners of applicable valuable assets.
OVERVIEW – This program is a long sought-after solution offered through SRM Services by a transaction partner with impeccable credibility in the large cap trade finance world. The program provides owners of high-value, above-ground assets with the opportunity of entering high-value private trades using various hard assets as their basis for trade.
Eligible Assets
Eligible assets may include precious metals, copper isotopes, nickel wire, other precious metal wires, fine art, gemstones of high-quality diamond or corundum species (sapphires, rubies, emeralds), precious stone like jade, certain marbles, or alexandrite, etc., and certain types of real estate. This is not an all-inclusive list, and any asset must be pre-approved before formal submission is made.
Returns on Hard Asset Trades
Indicated monthly returns on trades offered by this program are determined by the Trade Platform at the time of contract and depend on (1) the percentage of the asset’s value that an insurance company is willing to insure and (2) the percentage of the insurance value that the trader’s bank is willing to monetize. Trade programs facilitated by hard assets typically do not approach the returns possible in a cash trade. However, due to the size of eligible hard asset trades, the generated returns quite easily turn financially non-productive assets into ones that produce a lucrative cashflow…all while the asset owner retains ownership of his asset.
Barriers to Entering a Hard Asset Program
There are several typical barriers to entering into a hard asset trade program, including:
* The hard asset must have an appraised value that is sufficiently high.
* The insured value of the hard asset must usually be at least $500M.
* The hard asset must be insured by a reputable, international insurance underwriter.
* The cost of the insurance wrap is prohibitive.
* The asset appraisal is out of date.
* The insurance wrap must be purchased before the trade can commence.
* Trade platforms usually will not pay for the insurance.
* Asset owners typically will not or are unable to pay the insurance in advance.
A Solution to Overcoming the Hard Asset Trade Barrier
SRM has become aware of a trade program that helps hard asset owners overcome some of the barriers that have prevented them in the past from entering large capital trades using their valuable hard assets as the basis for trade. Provided that the asset owner is credible and that his asset is of high enough value, we have found that this trade group is a quick-response platform…and it is one of the most respected trade groups in the world.
How the Hard Asset Trade Program Works
Provided that the hard asset can be insured for enough to ultimately allow the trade group to put at least $500M into trade, they have structured a way for a smaller, initial portion of the asset to be insured…so that the initial amount going into trade for month 1 is only $100M. The insurance wrap cost for month one is approximately $1M…but the asset owner is only required to pay one-third of that amount ($333K) in advance… after a mutually acceptable contract is agreed upon and signed by both principals. Then, from the asset owner’s share of the profit from month 1, the asset owner will pay the remaining 2/3’s amount of the month 1 insurance premium still due ($666K)…and the full amount of the insurance premium that will immediately be purchased on the remainder of the hard asset being insured (beyond the original $100M portion). This will enable the trade group to trade the monetized value of the full insurance coverage during trading months 2-10. This option applies to particular asset types valued at $1B ($500M on a case-by-case basis) or more, under SKR, and with pristine provenance.
Insurance Wrap Cost for this Program
For this hard asset program, the required upfront minimum wrap payment from the Applicant is only $333,000. This money is only used to pay the initial installment of the insurance wrap premium, after the trade has been approved and a contract has been signed. The remaining two-thirds of the initial wrap cost is paid from the Applicant’s month one profits. The additional insurance wrap premiums to increase the trade basis up to the full insured value of the hard asset can also be paid from trade returns.
Up-dated Appraisal
The Asset Owner also needs a recent updated appraisal typically no older than 30 days. This also requires immediate, up-front cash. The cost of a new appraisal depends upon the asset class. Without a current appraisal, no reputable insurance company will underwrite the policy. No appraisal, no insurance; no insurance, no entry into a large capital trade.
Moving Forward
On program opportunities like this, time is of the essence. To register your interest in this hard asset program, please communicate directly with us via this web contact form.
Introducer Compensation
Introducer compensation of 1.25% is available to SRM. One-half of compensation fee will be shared with the first party who presents a program Application to SRM that is deemed acceptable to the trade platform and that results in the Applicant’s entry into this trade program.
SRM always attempts to obtain as much information as possible about programs before publication of program overviews. In a perfect world, the above information and that contained in our full, official overview document would answer all of SRM’s questions and all of the questions each potential Applicant might have. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Consequently, the above information, as well as that which is contained in our official program overview (available upon request), represents all the information that is available to potential Applicants prior to program application.
Applicant's Role
Each potential Applicant must decide for themselves if information received from SRM is sufficient to warrant program application. After application and compliance approval, the Applicant will have direct access to a Program Provider, with whom remaining questions and issues can be addressed. An Applicant’s decision regarding participation in a program must be based solely on the Applicant’s independent analysis of program descriptions and contracts provided to the Applicant by a Program Provider together with the advice and counsel that the Applicant receives from their professional tax and legal advisors, and SRM shall not be held liable for any losses that an Applicant might incur due to their decision to participate in a program.
SRM's Role
SRM’s role is to discover information about programs that appears to be credible and that may be of interest to our readers. SRM then makes a diligent effort to interpret, summarize, and publish that information for the benefit of parties who may wish to investigate a program further. If there are any inconsistencies between SRM overview verbiage and the program description and/or contract verbiage currently in use by the program source, the program source verbiage and interpretations will always prevail and SRM shall not be held liable in any way for its good-faith attempt to properly interpret and convey accurate program information. SRM never “recommends” a program and SRM cannot and does not provide counsel on whether an Applicant should participate in a program.
Note: This program may be changed or become filled and/or withdrawn from availability without prior notice. The information above is for informational purposes only. Important information that can only be provided by the program provider may not be included herein.
Request More Information
If you would like more information on this program, the required application procedures or have specific questions regarding any of the information above, please submit your request using this web contact form and we will respond to you promptly.
OVERVIEW – This program is a long sought-after solution offered through SRM Services by a transaction partner with impeccable credibility in the large cap trade finance world. The program provides owners of high-value, above-ground assets with the opportunity of entering high-value private trades using various hard assets as their basis for trade.
Eligible Assets
Eligible assets may include precious metals, copper isotopes, nickel wire, other precious metal wires, fine art, gemstones of high-quality diamond or corundum species (sapphires, rubies, emeralds), precious stone like jade, certain marbles, or alexandrite, etc., and certain types of real estate. This is not an all-inclusive list, and any asset must be pre-approved before formal submission is made.
Returns on Hard Asset Trades
Indicated monthly returns on trades offered by this program are determined by the Trade Platform at the time of contract and depend on (1) the percentage of the asset’s value that an insurance company is willing to insure and (2) the percentage of the insurance value that the trader’s bank is willing to monetize. Trade programs facilitated by hard assets typically do not approach the returns possible in a cash trade. However, due to the size of eligible hard asset trades, the generated returns quite easily turn financially non-productive assets into ones that produce a lucrative cashflow…all while the asset owner retains ownership of his asset.
Barriers to Entering a Hard Asset Program
There are several typical barriers to entering into a hard asset trade program, including:
* The hard asset must have an appraised value that is sufficiently high.
* The insured value of the hard asset must usually be at least $500M.
* The hard asset must be insured by a reputable, international insurance underwriter.
* The cost of the insurance wrap is prohibitive.
* The asset appraisal is out of date.
* The insurance wrap must be purchased before the trade can commence.
* Trade platforms usually will not pay for the insurance.
* Asset owners typically will not or are unable to pay the insurance in advance.
A Solution to Overcoming the Hard Asset Trade Barrier
SRM has become aware of a trade program that helps hard asset owners overcome some of the barriers that have prevented them in the past from entering large capital trades using their valuable hard assets as the basis for trade. Provided that the asset owner is credible and that his asset is of high enough value, we have found that this trade group is a quick-response platform…and it is one of the most respected trade groups in the world.
How the Hard Asset Trade Program Works
Provided that the hard asset can be insured for enough to ultimately allow the trade group to put at least $500M into trade, they have structured a way for a smaller, initial portion of the asset to be insured…so that the initial amount going into trade for month 1 is only $100M. The insurance wrap cost for month one is approximately $1M…but the asset owner is only required to pay one-third of that amount ($333K) in advance… after a mutually acceptable contract is agreed upon and signed by both principals. Then, from the asset owner’s share of the profit from month 1, the asset owner will pay the remaining 2/3’s amount of the month 1 insurance premium still due ($666K)…and the full amount of the insurance premium that will immediately be purchased on the remainder of the hard asset being insured (beyond the original $100M portion). This will enable the trade group to trade the monetized value of the full insurance coverage during trading months 2-10. This option applies to particular asset types valued at $1B ($500M on a case-by-case basis) or more, under SKR, and with pristine provenance.
Insurance Wrap Cost for this Program
For this hard asset program, the required upfront minimum wrap payment from the Applicant is only $333,000. This money is only used to pay the initial installment of the insurance wrap premium, after the trade has been approved and a contract has been signed. The remaining two-thirds of the initial wrap cost is paid from the Applicant’s month one profits. The additional insurance wrap premiums to increase the trade basis up to the full insured value of the hard asset can also be paid from trade returns.
Up-dated Appraisal
The Asset Owner also needs a recent updated appraisal typically no older than 30 days. This also requires immediate, up-front cash. The cost of a new appraisal depends upon the asset class. Without a current appraisal, no reputable insurance company will underwrite the policy. No appraisal, no insurance; no insurance, no entry into a large capital trade.
Moving Forward
On program opportunities like this, time is of the essence. To register your interest in this hard asset program, please communicate directly with us via this web contact form.
Introducer Compensation
Introducer compensation of 1.25% is available to SRM. One-half of compensation fee will be shared with the first party who presents a program Application to SRM that is deemed acceptable to the trade platform and that results in the Applicant’s entry into this trade program.
SRM always attempts to obtain as much information as possible about programs before publication of program overviews. In a perfect world, the above information and that contained in our full, official overview document would answer all of SRM’s questions and all of the questions each potential Applicant might have. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Consequently, the above information, as well as that which is contained in our official program overview (available upon request), represents all the information that is available to potential Applicants prior to program application.
Applicant's Role
Each potential Applicant must decide for themselves if information received from SRM is sufficient to warrant program application. After application and compliance approval, the Applicant will have direct access to a Program Provider, with whom remaining questions and issues can be addressed. An Applicant’s decision regarding participation in a program must be based solely on the Applicant’s independent analysis of program descriptions and contracts provided to the Applicant by a Program Provider together with the advice and counsel that the Applicant receives from their professional tax and legal advisors, and SRM shall not be held liable for any losses that an Applicant might incur due to their decision to participate in a program.
SRM's Role
SRM’s role is to discover information about programs that appears to be credible and that may be of interest to our readers. SRM then makes a diligent effort to interpret, summarize, and publish that information for the benefit of parties who may wish to investigate a program further. If there are any inconsistencies between SRM overview verbiage and the program description and/or contract verbiage currently in use by the program source, the program source verbiage and interpretations will always prevail and SRM shall not be held liable in any way for its good-faith attempt to properly interpret and convey accurate program information. SRM never “recommends” a program and SRM cannot and does not provide counsel on whether an Applicant should participate in a program.
Note: This program may be changed or become filled and/or withdrawn from availability without prior notice. The information above is for informational purposes only. Important information that can only be provided by the program provider may not be included herein.
Request More Information
If you would like more information on this program, the required application procedures or have specific questions regarding any of the information above, please submit your request using this web contact form and we will respond to you promptly.
Small-Cap: Modest Returns Guaranteed NR Loan Program
Small-Cap: Aggressive Returns $500K Compounding Program
Mid-Cap: Aggressive Returns $50,000,000 Buy/Sell Programs Under $100,000,000
Large-Cap Exceptional Returns $100,000,000+ Buy/Sell $100,000,000+ Trade Programs
Other Programs: Hard Asset Trade Program LTN Primary Historical Asset Bitcoin Sale/Purchase
Small-Cap: Modest Returns Guaranteed NR Loan Program
Small-Cap: Aggressive Returns $500K Compounding Program
Mid-Cap: Aggressive Returns $50,000,000 Buy/Sell Programs Under $100,000,000
Large-Cap Exceptional Returns $100,000,000+ Buy/Sell $100,000,000+ Trade Programs
Other Programs: Hard Asset Trade Program LTN Primary Historical Asset Bitcoin Sale/Purchase