About Us
People who can show you how to plant your assets in the right soil.
The expanded team at SRM Services . . .
Due to the success of its private program education and information efforts, it became necessary for SRM's founder to begin focusing his efforts on launching and building a major international charitable foundation. To enable him to devote more and more time to this worthwhile effort, our founder reached out to two individuals who had been business associates of his over the previous three years and invited them to engage with SRM Services as managers of its financial education consultancy activities under a multi-year contract. SRM is pleased to announce that this new alliance has strengthened the overall effectiveness of SRM's information and education consultancy business.
John Rickman and Jim Lamontagne worked as partners in the residential mortgage field from 1999 until they decided to devote their energies to their company on a full-time basis in 2007. Their business quickly gravitated to large project funding, which led them to a thorough understanding of the workings of private placement programs. Both Jim and John capably fill the multiple roles needed in a consulting business, and their twenty-two years of working as a team allows them to parlay their complementary strengths into superb client service based on absolute integrity, full disclosure, and constant communications with their clients.
John Rickman and Jim Lamontagne worked as partners in the residential mortgage field from 1999 until they decided to devote their energies to their company on a full-time basis in 2007. Their business quickly gravitated to large project funding, which led them to a thorough understanding of the workings of private placement programs. Both Jim and John capably fill the multiple roles needed in a consulting business, and their twenty-two years of working as a team allows them to parlay their complementary strengths into superb client service based on absolute integrity, full disclosure, and constant communications with their clients.
Jim Lamontagne

Jim entered the mortgage industry after culminating a successful career in the defense electronics industry as Vice President of Sales and Marketing and Director of Operations. His managerial, purchasing, sales, and financial management experience gained as he rose through the ranks prepared him well for the lending industry and translated well into the consulting arena. His sales and marketing background will serve him well as he develops and maintains SRM's client base. Jim was also active in the Colorado Springs Housing and Building Association and was the driving force behind the Association’s workforce development program. At SRM, in addition to working in tandem with John Rickman on general client consulting, Jim has taken the lead role on our team in the areas of in- and above-ground assets and historical assets.
John Rickman

John started in the mortgage industry after retiring as a Colonel after a 29-year career in the US Army that included commanding of two of the Army’s largest industrial installations and serving as The Inspector General for the Army’s largest command. John has a BS in Business, an MBA, and an MS in National Strategic Strategy from the US Naval Academy War College. His military and educational background provided him with a strong management, logistics, and financial background. John is very active in the non-profit arena, having filled numerous leadership positions in the Colorado Springs Housing & Building Association and HBA Cares, a 501(c)(3) that supports other non-profit agencies with housing or construction programs or projects. John is also the President of his Homeowner’s Association. At SRM, in addition to working in tandem with Jim Lamontagne on general client consulting, John has taken a lead role on our team in the areas writing program descriptions, submission package review, and assisting the SRM Founder with LTN and cryptocurrency administration.
SRM Services believes in . . .
- Not putting all of your eggs in one basket.
- Working hard to discover reliable information.
- Being honest and transparent in our communications.
- Basing decisions on knowledge, wisdom and common sense.
- Investing with confidence based on thorough due diligence investigations.
The SRM Founder, the Small Capital Trade website ... and how we began

John Evans is the founder of the company. While only a small portion of his time is still spent assisting clients who wish to enter private programs, most of his efforts are currently focused on launching and building a major international charitable foundation. The small capital trade website is the educational arm of SRM Services LTD, a provider of alternative, financial information domiciled in the State of South Dakota. Our primary mission is to make our financial research, information and other educational content regarding private programs available to parties who are interested in multiplying their available resources. This mission is carried out by SRM's state-side associates and consultants around the world. This website was created in 2011 and it is now the primary vehicle used for providing educational, research and consultancy services to rapidly growing international audience. Neither SRM Services nor any of its related personnel are brokers, dealers or investment advisers. This website functions strictly as an information-providing vehicle, does not provide any warranties or representations regarding any financial product, nor does it offer securities of any type to investors.
What's in it for us?
Through the use of our website and by personal consultations, as educational providers, we enjoy the simple satisfaction of helping our audience discover ways to enhance their respective financial situations by participating in private programs that manage risk while at the same time providing outstanding yields. In addition, SRM Services and this informational web site were created to generate funding for our international charitable foundation from the net proceeds we realize from consultancy fees on private program transactions. It is our joy to contribute nearly all SRM profits to projects and initiatives that extend God's kingdom on earth by bringing hope and freedom to those in poverty, bondage, heartache and darkness. We will do this by sharing the good news of God's love, by providing relief for people ravaged by natural or man-made disasters, and by resourcing strategic economic and community development endeavors. For insight into the founder's perspective, click here.
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COPYRIGHT 2023. All rights reserved. SRM SERVICES LTD
Registered Business Address: 25 First Avenue SW, Suite A, Watertown, SD 57201
Mailing Address: 3210 Chestnut Glen Ln, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
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Registered Business Address: 25 First Avenue SW, Suite A, Watertown, SD 57201
Mailing Address: 3210 Chestnut Glen Ln, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
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