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Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Program
The Bitcoin Funding Team
The Bitcoin Funding Team
SRM Services understands that the larger trade programs which are the primary focus of this website are often out of reach for many of our readers. Since we think it is important to have something for all of our readers, we decided to provide information about this cryptocurrency crowdfunding program. Bitcoin Funding Team is a unique peer-to-peer community designed to help people with very modest financial resources receive funding that can make a life-changing impact for themselves and for the people and causes they care about the most.
SRM Services is interested in this particular program for two reasons: (1) because this program centers around a currency that many believe will function in the future as an increasingly important store of value and (2) because this program has a very low-cost point of entry. We hope this information will provide something of value to you.
Bitcoin Funding Team: a peer-to-peer network community designed around a unique Crowdfunding platform which incorporates a decentralized payment system based upon the world’s premier Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.
Crowdfunding: a powerful, internet-based system of generating donations for anything you want or need in life or for supporting other people, projects or causes in a positive manner.
Cryptocurrency: a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange and be a store of value that uses cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency.
Bitcoin: the first, most widely accepted, highest market cap valued, open-sourced, decentralized cryptocurrency available today—from a user’s perspective Bitcoin is digital cash.
Decentralized: a system that is powered directly by its users, without the involvement or control of third-party authorities or middlemen such as banks, regulatory agencies or governments.
Secure: Bitcoin is secured by its public ledger (Block Chain) that contains and audits every transaction around the world and that functions as the most prominent digital, triple-entry bookkeeping system available today.
SRM Services is interested in this particular program for two reasons: (1) because this program centers around a currency that many believe will function in the future as an increasingly important store of value and (2) because this program has a very low-cost point of entry. We hope this information will provide something of value to you.
Bitcoin Funding Team: a peer-to-peer network community designed around a unique Crowdfunding platform which incorporates a decentralized payment system based upon the world’s premier Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.
Crowdfunding: a powerful, internet-based system of generating donations for anything you want or need in life or for supporting other people, projects or causes in a positive manner.
Cryptocurrency: a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange and be a store of value that uses cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency.
Bitcoin: the first, most widely accepted, highest market cap valued, open-sourced, decentralized cryptocurrency available today—from a user’s perspective Bitcoin is digital cash.
Decentralized: a system that is powered directly by its users, without the involvement or control of third-party authorities or middlemen such as banks, regulatory agencies or governments.
Secure: Bitcoin is secured by its public ledger (Block Chain) that contains and audits every transaction around the world and that functions as the most prominent digital, triple-entry bookkeeping system available today.
Are tempted to dismiss Bitcoin as being unworthy of your consideration?
If so, please stop right now and go here to learn why you are wrong.
Then return here to continue your Bitcoin investigation.
Are tempted to dismiss Bitcoin as being unworthy of your consideration?
If so, please stop right now and go here to learn why you are wrong.
Then return here to continue your Bitcoin investigation.
What is Bitcoin?
If you are new to the world of cryptocurrency or want a quick refresher, watch this brief, 1-minute 36-second intro video.
If you are new to the world of cryptocurrency or want a quick refresher, watch this brief, 1-minute 36-second intro video.
If this video was helpful, continue your cryptocurrency investigation through the links below.
Objective of the Bitcoin Funding Program
Bringing together a community of like-minded persons, the Bitcoin Funding Team is focused on engaging friends and associates and enabling them with resources to make a personal difference in their own lives and a positive impact on their respective neighbors and/or surrounding communities. Through its crowdfunding model, the Bitcoin Funding Team creates a way for its participants to generate donations for any of the following: financial hardship, unexpected medical bills, college education, saving for a rainy day, family vacations, retirement funding, increasing standard of living, launching a business or project, or supporting charitable causes.
Program Concept
The Bitcoin Funding Team concept is simple: the BFT platform starts with giving and, the more you give, the more you are able to receive. Once you begin giving to help fund the needs and projects of those who introduced you to the BFT community, then you will be put in a position to receive willing donations to fund your needs and projects from the friends and associates introduced into this community after you.
Price of Entry
The “out of pocket” required donation to enter the Bitcoin Funding Team community is .1 bitcoin. Further cash donations that you may choose to make in order to upgrade your donation-receiving capability will come from BFT donations that you receive from others. After your initial donation, your primary contribution to the BFT team will come from your introduction of two other parties to the BFT community and your assistance to help them make their two introductions.
Potential Donation Receipts
You may voluntarily upgrade your BFT account by making additional donations to BFT (from bitcoins that you receive). As you upgrade your account and the size of your personal BFT team grows, you will have the potential of receiving bitcoin donations totaling as high as 84 bitcoins each month when your donation organization is fully developed. 100% of all donations go to their intended recipients.
Bringing together a community of like-minded persons, the Bitcoin Funding Team is focused on engaging friends and associates and enabling them with resources to make a personal difference in their own lives and a positive impact on their respective neighbors and/or surrounding communities. Through its crowdfunding model, the Bitcoin Funding Team creates a way for its participants to generate donations for any of the following: financial hardship, unexpected medical bills, college education, saving for a rainy day, family vacations, retirement funding, increasing standard of living, launching a business or project, or supporting charitable causes.
Program Concept
The Bitcoin Funding Team concept is simple: the BFT platform starts with giving and, the more you give, the more you are able to receive. Once you begin giving to help fund the needs and projects of those who introduced you to the BFT community, then you will be put in a position to receive willing donations to fund your needs and projects from the friends and associates introduced into this community after you.
Price of Entry
The “out of pocket” required donation to enter the Bitcoin Funding Team community is .1 bitcoin. Further cash donations that you may choose to make in order to upgrade your donation-receiving capability will come from BFT donations that you receive from others. After your initial donation, your primary contribution to the BFT team will come from your introduction of two other parties to the BFT community and your assistance to help them make their two introductions.
Potential Donation Receipts
You may voluntarily upgrade your BFT account by making additional donations to BFT (from bitcoins that you receive). As you upgrade your account and the size of your personal BFT team grows, you will have the potential of receiving bitcoin donations totaling as high as 84 bitcoins each month when your donation organization is fully developed. 100% of all donations go to their intended recipients.
Request Information or Assistance
If you need further information about the Bitcoin Funding Team program or assistance in getting your BFT account set up, please use this Request for Assistance web form to submit your request. This will ensure that your request reaches the proper SRM Services department and enable us to respond to you as effectively as possible.
If you need further information about the Bitcoin Funding Team program or assistance in getting your BFT account set up, please use this Request for Assistance web form to submit your request. This will ensure that your request reaches the proper SRM Services department and enable us to respond to you as effectively as possible.
Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. SRM Services Limited.