IMPORTANT: The information provided below is not to be considered a solicitation of any kind nor is it an indication that this program is available at this time. The following information is provided solely to give our readers an illustration of the type of financial programs SRM Services Limited has investigated in the recent past and which we are prepared to discuss in greater detail with interested parties who establish a business relationship with us.
S A M P L E P R O G R A M I L L U S T R A T I O N - 2502
Small Cap Project Funding Program – $500K+
Small Cap Project Funding Program – $500K+
IMPORTANT NOTICE: SRM regrets to announce that changes in the financial services environment have resulted in suspension of this $500,000 entry level program effective September 16, 2020. This program is currently being restructured to accommodate the new financial environment and we will post the description of the restructured Program #2502 on this page as soon as it is finalized. See the Breaking News post for more information.
OVERVIEW – This 12-month, high-yielding small cap program (Program) has the capacity to leverage a Client’s original entry amount and to provide substantial, non-recourse project funding. A private charitable trust (Program Provider) and SRM Services Limited (SRM) are cooperating to offer this Program to SRM Clients that require funding for their commercial or humanitarian projects or programs. The Program Provider has been operating its leveraging, monetization and monthly project funding activities successfully for over three years.
Entry Requirements
Payment Schedule
Program Details
Security of Client Funds
Note: This program may be changed or withdrawn from availability by the program manager without prior notice.
If you would like to receive the full overview for this program, which includes submission requirements, please email us directly or click here here to contact us.
OVERVIEW – This 12-month, high-yielding small cap program (Program) has the capacity to leverage a Client’s original entry amount and to provide substantial, non-recourse project funding. A private charitable trust (Program Provider) and SRM Services Limited (SRM) are cooperating to offer this Program to SRM Clients that require funding for their commercial or humanitarian projects or programs. The Program Provider has been operating its leveraging, monetization and monthly project funding activities successfully for over three years.
Entry Requirements
- The minimum participation for this program is US $500,000 or the Euro equivalent.
- Cash is the only accepted basis for this program.
- Individual or corporate entries are accepted.
- A smaller, non-leveraged program is available from the same provider for a minimum participation amount of $200.000.
- The indicated minimum net return to the Client per month will be six (6) times the Client's participation amount.
- Compounding of returns is not available, but Client can use accumulated returns to make additional program entries under a different entity name.
Payment Schedule
- Ten monthly payments will begin approximately 30-45 banking days after the release of funds to the SBLC provider.
- Payments are made to the Client's account of choice.
Program Details
- The Client and the program provider will sign a Project Funding Placement Agreement (PFPA) that specifies the transaction process, distributions of returns, and handling of expenses.
- The program provider acquires an SBLC with a face value of 100 times the Client’s participation amount.
- The SBLC is monetized at no less than 60% of face value.
- The SBLC provider receives one-third of the monetization proceeds and two-thirds of the monetization proceeds are placed into a 40-week private funding program.
- As program returns are generated, they will be deposited into an attorney paymaster account for allocation and distribution to the Client, eligible consultants (if any), and the Program Provider as stipulated in the PFPA.
- After commissions and other agree-upon costs are paid, the remainder of each monthly distribution will be divided between the Client and the Program Provider on a 50/50 basis.
Security of Client Funds
- The Client’s original deposit is held in an attorney escrow account until the Client receives the surety bond described below.
- The Client’s participation amount is protected by a surety bond issued by a private third-party investment trust. The trust will also obtain an insurance policy from an insurance company with an A rating to back the surety bond.
- The protection is in place until the Client has been allocated returns equal to the amount of its original deposit amount.
Note: This program may be changed or withdrawn from availability by the program manager without prior notice.
If you would like to receive the full overview for this program, which includes submission requirements, please email us directly or click here here to contact us.
$25,000+ $500,000+ $1,000,000+ $5,000,000+ Small & Mid Cap Prog Alert
$20,000,000+ $100,000,000+ LTN Purchase Program Historical Asset Opportunity
$25,000+ $500,000+ $1,000,000+ $5,000,000+ Small & Mid Cap Prog Alert
$20,000,000+ $100,000,000+ LTN Purchase Program Historical Asset Opportunity