IMPORTANT: The information provided below is not to be considered a solicitation of any kind in any way. This information is not applicable or available to any party coming in contact with this information (whether inadvertently or intentionally) who is not a sophisticated or accredited investor. By continuing to read the information below, you affirm that you are a financially sophisticated or accredited investor. Further information regarding this historical asset opportunity will be provided only in direct response to a request for that information from yourself or through your duly appointed liaison/representative.
Historical Asset Opportunities
Review our Complete Historical Asset Opportunities FAQs
Review our Complete Historical Asset Opportunities FAQs
SRM Services has been informed that major historical asset buyers have ceased accepting submission of historical assets for purchase or trade. Although rare, a possible exception to this could be when one of these buyers needs some boxes to replace boxes in an existing transactions that had to be rejected.
We have been told on more than one occasion, that no more historical assets were being accepted, so it is entirely possible that large buyers may once again seek new submissions. IF YOU WANT TO BE PROACTIVE, you may alert SRM Services regarding multiple-box historical asset submissions that you are able to facilitate upon short notice. Please advise us of (1) the asset type, (2) the number of boxes, (3) the location of the boxes, and (4) your proximity to the asset owner. Having this information readily available will enable SRM Services to immediately notify you should we learn of buyers that are accepting new submissions once again.
We have been told on more than one occasion, that no more historical assets were being accepted, so it is entirely possible that large buyers may once again seek new submissions. IF YOU WANT TO BE PROACTIVE, you may alert SRM Services regarding multiple-box historical asset submissions that you are able to facilitate upon short notice. Please advise us of (1) the asset type, (2) the number of boxes, (3) the location of the boxes, and (4) your proximity to the asset owner. Having this information readily available will enable SRM Services to immediately notify you should we learn of buyers that are accepting new submissions once again.
Purchase Opportunity for NIQD and Selected Historical Assets
SRM Services continues to identify viable purchase opportunities for NIQDs and selected, gold-backed historical bonds that are primarily, but not exclusively, located within the U.S. Assets being purchased include boxes of:
If you have access to multiple boxes of gold-backed historical assets and want SRM Services to engage with the aforementioned facilitators, contact us ASAP by clicking here.
- New Iraqi Dinar (NIQD)...initial purchase and settlement activity has been reported.
- German 1924 External Loan $1000 bonds.
- Super Petchilli bonds.
- Selected Golden assets.
- Other assets to be identified by the facilitators representing the buyers.
If you have access to multiple boxes of gold-backed historical assets and want SRM Services to engage with the aforementioned facilitators, contact us ASAP by clicking here.
Overview of Historical Asset Purchases
The information below is purely historical information. We know of no trade programs accepting historical assets.
Historical Assets as they are discussed here are gold-backed bonds and boxes issued by governments to support Germany, China, and Mexico. While there are many varieties of these bonds, the primary items of interest change from week to week, sometimes day to day.
The duration of this asset sale opportunity was unknown when SRM was first alerted to the opportunity in 2013. The opportunity has always been described as liable to be closed without much notice. There have been continuous rumors that the closings transactions were ready to start immediately, but we only have second-hand information that any transactions have taken place. This continues to be the case.
To achieve highest acquisition efficiency, Buyers are placing top purchase priority on large asset or extremely high value portfolios. This focus makes it difficult to tell if holders of a small quantity of bonds or boxes will be able to sell their assets before the allotted funds are depleted. Buyers have developed procedures that bypass typical LOIs and/or MOUs and go straight to contract after compliance on the seller and assets presented for sale. Buyers determine the offer price, always represented to SRM Services as being “very good”. The offer price is included in the contract. Commissions to introducing consultants are represented as being "generous" and are typically divided equally among those intermediaries between the Seller and Buyers who had active, bona fide involvement in the introduction process.
The full purchase price amount is set aside by the Buyers prior to issuance of a contract. The purchase price is most often paid out in structured payments in agreement with sellers. SRM has been informed that each contract places extremely strict non-disclosure requirements on the seller and that those restrictions have resulted in very little to no knowledge of previous closings outside of groups connected to those transactions.
SRM does have connections to several purchase sources and, while most buyers have ceased taking applications, opportunities for specific bonds still come and go quickly. As a result, we must obtain specific information before making an inquiry about the possibility of a sale. If you desire to inquire about your historical bonds/boxes, click here to send us your inquiry.
What Information Does SRM Services Need From You?
Because most opportunities have very strict parameters, SRM must receive answers to the following questions before we can make inquiry to see if a possibility exists for sale of your assets.
A Caution for Owners Considering Sale of Their Assets
SRM Services has been approached innumerable times by historical asset owners who insist on controlling the process of selling their historical assets. This approach has never worked! The procedure is that, once we have determined that one of our buyers is receptive to a submittal by an owner of a specific asset type, the owner makes submittal by providing a current KYC specific to the transaction with original signatures and initials. The buyer will then perform due diligence and, upon satisfactory completion, will contact the seller to discuss price and terms. The owner is then free to accept or decline the buyer offer. SRM does not shop the owner information. We explain upfront to which source(s) his package will be sent to. Owners will not be provided LOIs, POFs, or buyer contact information upfront. Legitimate buyers will not do that. If your owners understand the conditions delineated above and are RWA to comply we will entertain further discussion. Please note that we are not trying to impose restraints, but we are trying to ensure neither you nor SRM is wasting time pursuing an unlikely outcome.
The information below is purely historical information. We know of no trade programs accepting historical assets.
Historical Assets as they are discussed here are gold-backed bonds and boxes issued by governments to support Germany, China, and Mexico. While there are many varieties of these bonds, the primary items of interest change from week to week, sometimes day to day.
The duration of this asset sale opportunity was unknown when SRM was first alerted to the opportunity in 2013. The opportunity has always been described as liable to be closed without much notice. There have been continuous rumors that the closings transactions were ready to start immediately, but we only have second-hand information that any transactions have taken place. This continues to be the case.
To achieve highest acquisition efficiency, Buyers are placing top purchase priority on large asset or extremely high value portfolios. This focus makes it difficult to tell if holders of a small quantity of bonds or boxes will be able to sell their assets before the allotted funds are depleted. Buyers have developed procedures that bypass typical LOIs and/or MOUs and go straight to contract after compliance on the seller and assets presented for sale. Buyers determine the offer price, always represented to SRM Services as being “very good”. The offer price is included in the contract. Commissions to introducing consultants are represented as being "generous" and are typically divided equally among those intermediaries between the Seller and Buyers who had active, bona fide involvement in the introduction process.
The full purchase price amount is set aside by the Buyers prior to issuance of a contract. The purchase price is most often paid out in structured payments in agreement with sellers. SRM has been informed that each contract places extremely strict non-disclosure requirements on the seller and that those restrictions have resulted in very little to no knowledge of previous closings outside of groups connected to those transactions.
SRM does have connections to several purchase sources and, while most buyers have ceased taking applications, opportunities for specific bonds still come and go quickly. As a result, we must obtain specific information before making an inquiry about the possibility of a sale. If you desire to inquire about your historical bonds/boxes, click here to send us your inquiry.
What Information Does SRM Services Need From You?
Because most opportunities have very strict parameters, SRM must receive answers to the following questions before we can make inquiry to see if a possibility exists for sale of your assets.
- What types and quantities of bonds/boxes do you have?
- Do the bonds/boxes have authentication? If so, who is the authenticator?
- Where are the bonds/boxes currently located?
- Are the bonds/boxes held under a current SKR?
- Is there strong provenance to show history of ownership?
- What is the full name of the owner?
- Have the bonds/boxes been previously registered with any other source?
- Is the owner willing and able to travel to a closing?
A Caution for Owners Considering Sale of Their Assets
SRM Services has been approached innumerable times by historical asset owners who insist on controlling the process of selling their historical assets. This approach has never worked! The procedure is that, once we have determined that one of our buyers is receptive to a submittal by an owner of a specific asset type, the owner makes submittal by providing a current KYC specific to the transaction with original signatures and initials. The buyer will then perform due diligence and, upon satisfactory completion, will contact the seller to discuss price and terms. The owner is then free to accept or decline the buyer offer. SRM does not shop the owner information. We explain upfront to which source(s) his package will be sent to. Owners will not be provided LOIs, POFs, or buyer contact information upfront. Legitimate buyers will not do that. If your owners understand the conditions delineated above and are RWA to comply we will entertain further discussion. Please note that we are not trying to impose restraints, but we are trying to ensure neither you nor SRM is wasting time pursuing an unlikely outcome.
Note: Details regarding this asset sale opportunity have never been presented to SRM in writing. What you read here on our web page is SRM's best understanding of the information relayed to us in phone conversations with the principal of the Tier-1 group that is in-taking packages on behalf of the Foundation Buyers. SRM attempts to update this information as we receive new or more clarified information, consequently the above information may be modified at any time. In addition, this purchase opportunity may terminate and be withdrawn from availability without any advance notice.
Request More Information
The above program was available recently. We are continually introduced to a wide variety of programs and the program mentioned above may no longer be available as specified above. Each program has its own structure and requirements. If you would like more information on this program, the required application procedures or have specific questions regarding any of the information above, please submit your request using this Contact Form link and we will respond to you promptly.
Request More Information
The above program was available recently. We are continually introduced to a wide variety of programs and the program mentioned above may no longer be available as specified above. Each program has its own structure and requirements. If you would like more information on this program, the required application procedures or have specific questions regarding any of the information above, please submit your request using this Contact Form link and we will respond to you promptly.
Small-Cap: Modest Returns Guaranteed NR Loan Program
Small-Cap: Aggressive Returns $500K Compounding Program
Mid-Cap: Aggressive Returns $50,000,000 Buy/Sell Programs Under $100,000,000
Large-Cap Exceptional Returns $100,000,000+ Buy/Sell $100,000,000+ Trade Programs
Other Programs: Hard Asset Trade Program LTN Primary Historical Asset Bitcoin Sale/Purchase
Small-Cap: Modest Returns Guaranteed NR Loan Program
Small-Cap: Aggressive Returns $500K Compounding Program
Mid-Cap: Aggressive Returns $50,000,000 Buy/Sell Programs Under $100,000,000
Large-Cap Exceptional Returns $100,000,000+ Buy/Sell $100,000,000+ Trade Programs
Other Programs: Hard Asset Trade Program LTN Primary Historical Asset Bitcoin Sale/Purchase