IMPORTANT: The information provided below is not to be considered a solicitation of any kind in any way. This information is not applicable or available to any party coming in contact with this information (whether inadvertently or intentionally) who is not a sophisticated or accredited investor. By continuing to read the information below, you affirm that you are a financially sophisticated or accredited investor. Further information regarding this historical asset opportunity will be provided only in direct response to a request for that information from yourself or through your duly appointed liaison/representative.
Bitcoin & Ethereum
Private Institutional Cryptocurrency Sale & Purchase Opportunities
Private Institutional Cryptocurrency Sale & Purchase Opportunities
SRM will introduce buyers and sellers who are willing to demonstrate credibility. Terms, price and transaction process will vary depending on the coin and the client at the time of transaction--and transactions usually come and go quickly.
Crypto SELLER #1...seeks qualified Buyers who match the following engagement profile:
- the Buyer has the funds to close the first tranche
- the Buyer is willing to close the transaction attorney to attorney.
Crypto BUYER #1… seeks qualified Sellers who match the following engagement profile:
- Bank to Bank
SRM is happy to work with intermediary consultants who meet the following requirements:
SRM Seeks Additional Institutional Crypto Buyers and Sellers
If you are a credible Institutional Crypto Buyer or Seller and you are willing and able to demonstrate your credibility to SRM’s satisfaction, please provide SRM the following information:
SRM will introduce buyers and sellers who are willing to demonstrate credibility. Terms, price and transaction process will vary depending on the coin and the client at the time of transaction--and transactions usually come and go quickly.
Crypto SELLER #1...seeks qualified Buyers who match the following engagement profile:
- Buyer must move first by expressing an interest to buy and by demonstrating the availability of his funds via an attestation letter from an attorney that represents that:
- the Buyer has the funds to close the first tranche
- the Buyer is willing to close the transaction attorney to attorney.
- Seller attorneys will then engage, demonstrate proof of coin, execute an SPA and begin the exchange of crypto for fiat.
- Seller is willing to start with a test tranche of 50-100 coins and then move to 10,000/day.
- Seller’s required gross/net discounts in the past have been 6/4 and 6/3.
- Method of closing that is acceptable to Seller is:
- Method of closing that is unacceptable to Seller is:
- This Seller is motivated to close, but Buyers who have previously failed compliance or who demonstrate bad faith will be rejected straightaway.
Crypto BUYER #1… seeks qualified Sellers who match the following engagement profile:
- Seller must begin by expressing an interest to sell and by attesting that his crypto currency is clear and clean and that it can be exchanged through a licensed trading company.
- Buyer will then engage and have his fiduciary send a letter attesting to the Buyer as a client in good standing with funds on deposit sufficient to close the first tranche of crypto purchase.
- Seller must be willing to start with a minimum transaction of 50 to 100 coins and then move to 5,000 to 10,000 coins per day.
- Buyer’s suggested gross/net discount is minimum 6/4. The net to the Buyer must be 4 or better.
- Buyer’s acceptable method of closing is through a currency trading company that acts as a fiduciary for both the Buyer and the Seller, retained for this purpose, and that is licensed and regulated under Swiss law.
- Methods of closing that are unacceptable to Buyer are:
- Bank to Bank
- Buyer represents that they have previously completed several large cryptocurrency purchase transactions.
- This Buyer is always anxious to transact, but requires that he is able to speak directly with Selling principal. Seller brokers who will not get out of the way will not be tolerated.
SRM is happy to work with intermediary consultants who meet the following requirements:
- Consultant is willing and able to facilitate the direct engagement of their Instutional Crypto Buyer or Seller, or at least their Client’s duly authorized, legal representative.
- Consultant is willing and able to provide the full genealogy of parties involved in introducing their client Buyer or Seller.
SRM Seeks Additional Institutional Crypto Buyers and Sellers
If you are a credible Institutional Crypto Buyer or Seller and you are willing and able to demonstrate your credibility to SRM’s satisfaction, please provide SRM the following information:
- A copy of SCO or proposed transaction procedures.
- A statement regarding the type of Proof of Funds or Proof of Coin that you are willing and able to provide.
- The minimum and maximum amount of coins you are willing to transact.
- A statement of your preferred and/or required gross/net discount and whether you have any flexibility on this discount amount.
- A statement regarding which methods of closing are acceptable to you.
- A statement regarding which methods of closing are not acceptable to you.
- A brief statement representing that you have previously completed at least one Institutional cryptocurrency purchase or sale transaction.
Contact SRM immediately with any inquiries or questions by clicking here.
Note: The above information may be modified at any time. SRM will update this information as we are able. This Bitcoin and Ethereum sale and purchase opportunity may terminate and be withdrawn from availability without any advance notice.
Note: The above information may be modified at any time. SRM will update this information as we are able. This Bitcoin and Ethereum sale and purchase opportunity may terminate and be withdrawn from availability without any advance notice.
Small-Cap: Modest Returns Guaranteed NR Loan Program
Small-Cap: Aggressive Returns $500K Compounding Program
Mid-Cap: Aggressive Returns $50,000,000 Buy/Sell Programs Under $100,000,000
Large-Cap Exceptional Returns $100,000,000+ Buy/Sell $100,000,000+ Trade Programs
Other Programs: Hard Asset Trade Program LTN Primary Historical Asset Bitcoin Sale/Purchase
Small-Cap: Modest Returns Guaranteed NR Loan Program
Small-Cap: Aggressive Returns $500K Compounding Program
Mid-Cap: Aggressive Returns $50,000,000 Buy/Sell Programs Under $100,000,000
Large-Cap Exceptional Returns $100,000,000+ Buy/Sell $100,000,000+ Trade Programs
Other Programs: Hard Asset Trade Program LTN Primary Historical Asset Bitcoin Sale/Purchase