IMPORTANT: The information provided below is not to be considered a solicitation of any kind nor is it an indication that this program is available at this time. The following information is provided solely to give our readers an illustration of the type of financial programs SRM Services Limited has investigated in the recent past and which we are prepared to discuss in greater detail with interested parties who establish a business relationship with us.
S A M P L E P R O G R A M I L L U S T R A T I O N - 3710
Hybrid Tear Sheet Trade Program – 10M to 99M
Hybrid Tear Sheet Trade Program – 10M to 99M
This is a program designed to support a large humanitarian foundation that leverages a Client’s initial capital investment for entry into a large-cap trade that provides significant returns for both the Client and the Foundation. The trade is operated by the trade desk at one of three top banks in Western Europe ... but Client retains control of funds in Client's bank.
Entry Requirements
Program Structure
Historical Returns
Payment Schedule
Security of Client Funds
Special Requirements as a Result of Foundation Support
This is a program designed to support a large humanitarian foundation that leverages a Client’s initial capital investment for entry into a large-cap trade that provides significant returns for both the Client and the Foundation. The trade is operated by the trade desk at one of three top banks in Western Europe ... but Client retains control of funds in Client's bank.
Entry Requirements
- The minimum entry level for this trade is USD/Euro $10M.
- The maximum entry level is USD/Euro $99M.
- Free and Clear Cash funds only are accepted as a basis for trade.
- Funds must be held in a top-100 bank in an acceptable location, preferably in North America, Western Europe, Singapore, or Australia. Banks in China, Hong Kong, and South America are not acceptable.
- Individual or corporate entries accepted.
Program Structure
- The program consists of three short-term trades of ten banking days each followed by a 40-week trade.
- The trade basis amount and proceeds from each of the short-term trade are rolled into the next trade to build the amount to be placed into the large-cap trade.
- The Client will be required to access his account on line and forward a screen shot to the platform each day during the three short-term trades.
- The client can withdraw a portion of the proceeds upon completion of the third short-term trade and is expected to do so to pay commissions and any other expenses that may exist.
Historical Returns
- The indicated gross return for each ten-banking-day trade is 300%.
- The anticipated gross return on the 40-week trade is 100% or more per month.
- The split of the gross return is 67% to the Client and 33% to the Foundation.
Payment Schedule
- The schedule of distributions from the large-cap trade will be specified in the trade contract.
- Distributions to the Client are deposited/wired to the Client’s account of choice by the Transaction Paymaster.
Security of Client Funds
- Client’s initial funds remain in the Client’s account with no blocking or admin hold.
- Proceeds from each of the short-term trades will be held by the trade desk at the trade bank between trades and upon entry into the 40-week trade.
Special Requirements as a Result of Foundation Support
- A donation agreement must be signed between the foundation and the Client.
- If the Client is a Company or Corporation, the Corporate Resolution must name the Foundation representative as a director or officer of the Company/Corporation.
- The Foundation representative must be shown as a signatory on the account but does not require authority to access the account or move funds.
- The appointment and signatory designation may be revoked immediately upon completion of the trade program.
- The Client and Foundation signatory coordinate the Donation Agreement, officer/director designation (if applicable), and the addition of the Foundation signatory to the bank account.
- The Client prepares and submits the required documents to SRM Services.
- SRM Services reviews the submission for completeness and compliance with requirements and, if compliant, forwards the submission package within one business day.
- The Platform and trade bank perform their compliance review.
- Upon successful completion of the compliance review, the Platform will contact the Client directly to discuss options and answer initial questions.
- The platform provides the contract to the Client for review and answers any questions
- The client signs the contract and returns it to the platform for countersignature by the Platform.
- An Irrevocable Master Fee Payment Agreement is negotiated between and signed by the Client and all intermediaries and filed with the Transaction Paymaster.
- Trading starts.
- Distributions are made to the Client per the contractual schedule.
- The Client will pay commissions per the IMFPA out of share of the proceeds whenever a distribution is made by the Transaction Paymaster.
To view online overview for alternative $10 Million Tear Sheet Program #8715, click here.
Note: This program may be changed or become filled and withdrawn from availability without prior notice.
Request More Information
If you would like more information on this program, the required application procedures or have specific questions regarding any of the information above, please submit your request using this Contact Form link and we will respond to you promptly.
Note: This program may be changed or become filled and withdrawn from availability without prior notice.
Request More Information
If you would like more information on this program, the required application procedures or have specific questions regarding any of the information above, please submit your request using this Contact Form link and we will respond to you promptly.
$25,000+ $1,000,000+ $5,000,000+ $10,000,000+ Small & Mid Cap Prog Alert
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$25,000+ $1,000,000+ $5,000,000+ $10,000,000+ Small & Mid Cap Prog Alert
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